Whenever we talk about some of the most unique and interesting tattoos out there, the first one that comes into our minds are Raven tattoo designs. Currently some of the most popular designs among both women and men, Raven tattoos illustrate the traits and attributes of the Raven; Raven has for years been known as a thinker, trickster and a strategist. If having these kinds of tattoos is something you have been giving some serious thoughts, here are a number of things you might want to keep in mind at all times.
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First is all about placement; many at times, you can have these tattoos done on different parts of your body depending largely on your preference. Some of the most popular areas where you can have these tattoos include shoulders, arm and wrist among others. So before you have it, you need to determine if you want something everyone will see or hidden. Secondly is the type of Rave tattoo you would want on your body. Do you want your tattoo to feature a number of Ravens flying, or you just one a single raven? Again that will depend on what you want. While the amounts of options you have are virtually limitless you could actually talk to your tattooist about some of the best ideas.