Thinking of getting a tattoo? Then the wrist should be among the places you want to consider having it placed. It is an exposed part of the body so all people can admire the great work of art a tattoo brings out. But what tattoo designs are ideal? Whether you are a girl or a boy, a small wrist tattoo will definitely look good on you. The smallness will serve to make it not too conspicuous and of course it will be much cheaper.
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What small wrist tattoo designs are ideal? A tattoo is meant to bring out a person’s personality and this should never be compromised when settling on a design. The range from which one can choose is quite wide including small quotes, images of favorite animals, stars, angels, fairies and so on. Whatever design it is that you settle on, make sure to preserve the ink by applying sunscreen daily because the wrist is exposed most of the time or else the tattoo will not last through your teenage years let alone have it till adulthood.