Those who are born between May 22 and June 21 fall under the Gemini sign which is the third sign of zodiac. The sign is usually represented by a set of twins. In Greek mythology, Gemini is linked to the twin sons of Zeus and Leda: Castor and Polllux. It is usually represented by a simple design that looks like the Roman numeral II.
Gemini tattoos may be fairly simple and you may choose to augment it with other designs and flourishes, such as the zodiac sign’s flower (Lavender-the Lily of the Valley). You can also augment this basic structure by inking the signs lucky number-5.You may also get Celtic Gemini tattoos. This is a much more elaborate tattoo with Celtic knots and patterns intermingled with the simple design. To get the best result it is advisable that it be in black ink and may even have occasional fading around the lines. However, a touch of color is also a good idea.
You can also choose the Chinese Gemini. In the Chinese horoscope, the equivalent of the conventional Gemini is thought to be the horse, which is quick witted and whose lunar month is June 6 to July 6. A Gemini constellation tattoo is also a good idea. The design naturally flows vertically and is usually found on the arm or leg. A Gemini contrasting twins sign is also a creative idea if you are in touch with both the good and bad side of you.
Courtney Cox (of Friends) has a white Gemini tattoo on her stomach.
It is important that before you ink any tattoo on your body that you double check everything and get a unique tattoo inked on your body that matches your personality and do not shy away from being stylish and adventurous.